There are two ways to remove a lead:

Delete leadTo delete a lead, simply click on DELETE in the ribbon at the top of the form:

Delete lead

Just remember, this action cannot be undone.

Disqualify leadDisqualifying a lead will take it out of the reservation and quote workflow, but it will keep it in the system so you can requalify it again at a later date.

To disqualify a lead, simply click on DISQUALIFY in the navigation ribbon at the top of the form:

Disqualify lead

You will be asked to choose a reason for disqualifying the lead:

  • Lost (perhaps the lead went with a competitor)
  • Cannot contact (maybe the lead has moved to another company or is simply not returning calls)
  • No longer interested (maybe the lead has told you that they have decided to rent an apartment, or that they won't need a suite for some time)
  • Canceled (they didn't get the appropriate purchase authority or no longer need a suite)

Choose the reason that is most appropriate. We also recommend adding a note with more detail on why the lead was disqualified, and scheduling a future contact activity as appropriate.

Remember to click SAVE when you are done.