It's helpful to keep in mind that cases are just the term that Dynamics CRM uses to describe customer service events that come through a variety of channels and need to be resolved.

In the Premiere CRM system, cases refer to service or maintenance required, usually attached to a specific unit or building.

Find cases by going to OPERATIONS >> CASES from the sitemap.

ACTIVE CASESTo see or filter a list of cases, click the downward arrow to the right of the form title:

Cases options


A soft case is generally something that needs to be addressed but will not take the suite offline, such as installing new lightbulbs or replacing a sofa.

This may also be referred to as a soft block, meaning that the suite may need to be offline for a period of time, but that the maintenance can be rescheduled, such as the repainting of a bathroom.

A hard case is something that will take the suite offline for a period of time, such as all the windows being replaced in a unit, or installing new floors.

This may also be referred to as a hard block, which is a case that can't be rescheduled and will prevent a suite from being occupied. This may refer something like maintenance after major flood damage, or when an owner wants personal use of a suite for a month or more.