Checklists are a great feature of CRM for Premiere, because they allow you to seamlessly integrate things like housekeeping or maintenance checklists into an account, record or stay. Checklists can be assigned to CRM users or contacts listed in CRM who do not have CRM access. This lets you assign Checklists for completion to users who do not have direct CRM access so that their responses can be recorded directly in CRM.

You'll find checklists in the Administration section of the ribbon:


You can use the checklist templates already in the system or create your own.

Add a checklist to a recordTo add a checklist to an order, click on CREATE CHECKLIST from the ribbon at the top of the page or use the elipsis (...) to the right of Add Task in the Activities & Notes section at the bottom of the page.

Add checklist

The system already contains a sample Departure Checklist template, but you can also create your own.

Sample departure checklist