Microsoft Dynamics CRM systems, including the Premiere Suites system, use pre-defined roles to control what each user can see and do in the system. In CRM permissions and access to view, edit and manage records are assigned by a combination

For example, someone who works in sales will see all the sales-related functions, but may not have access to all the accounting functions (some of which may be confidential).

If you are in an admin role, you may not have access to the Marketing dashboard which controls digital marketing campaigns.

When your account was set up, you were assigned a specific role based on your position and responsibilities, and should be able to access all the parts of the system which are relevant to your duties. All Premiere Suites users are assigned a default "Premiere Suites" role which grant access to core functions in the system. In addition the following user roles are actively used in the system by regular users.

  • Accounting
  • CSR Manager
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Professional
  • Payment Processing
  • Sales Manager
  • Salesperson

If your position or responsibilities have changed, and you think you need access to different parts of the system, please speak to your manager.