By the time you've become familiar with the blue navigation bar, the sitemap and the ribbon, you'll have noticed that there are many ways to view records in CRM. As you become more familiar with the system, you'll discover which ways work best for you.

Here, we discuss the most common ways to view records.


Almost all records are available simply by navigating from the sitemap to the subcategory you're looking for.

For example, to see a list of products, simply choose ADMINISTRATION from the sitemap and click on PRODUCTS.

View Products

This will give you the default view of the list of records. In this case, the default view is "All products, families & bundles":

All Products View

To see the other viewing options, click once on the downward arrow to the right of the title:

System views dropdown

Simply choose from the dropdown list to select the view you prefer.

PIN icon

See that pushpin icon to the left of the headings on pages? Once you've selected a particular filter or view, click once on that pin icon to set that view as your default any time you are in that form or page.


If you want to return to a list you were recently working on, click the clock icon in the blue nav bar, and select the view you're looking for.